Symantec LU9002

If the retail version of Symantec AntiVirus 2005 gives you an error LU9002 you will need to re-sync with the Symantec server.

In my case, Norton was showing a subscription expiration date of 12/31/1899 (not a typo) and Live Update was complaining that it had expired, so it wouldn't download any definition updates. It wasn't actually expired. The subscription was still valid for about 9 months.

The offical tech document says to go into NAV2005, click Help and Support and then click Renewal Center, then choose Re-Sync. In my case, there was no Renewal Center choice under Help and Support, or anywhere else, for that matter. Symantec telephone tech support was clueless.

However, the tech document for NAV2004 for the same issue says to run a command at the command prompt. This worked. Here's the command-line:

"c:\Program Files\Common Files\Symantec Shared\LiveReg\symcsub.exe" /synch

Hopefully someone can put this knowledge to use. It took me well over an hour, and a phone call to Symantec before I found this.

What say you?