Products and Services

Our Expertise

SofTouch Systems offers a wide range of proactive and reactive services to help businesses optimize their technology systems. Proactive services such as breach planning, managed services, and managed backups are crucial for businesses to protect themselves against cyber threats and minimize the impact of outages. Reactive services such as Backup recovery, Internet Scrubbing Services, and Business Reputation Services are used to mitigate the effects of attacks on clients network or business. With the help of SofTouch Systems, businesses can focus on their core operations, while their technology needs are taken care of.

  • Managed Services: Cybersecurity / Antivirus / Antimalware / Web Protection / Device Monitoring
  • Managed Backup: Cloud/Offsite Backups
  • Managed Domain and Email Services
  • Breach Planning and Recovery
  • ISS: Internet Scrubbing Services / Business Reputation Services
  • IT Consulting: Network and Server Design, Installs, Upgrades, Repairs and Proactive Maintenance

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