Intelligent Teaching And Learning with Computers iTALC is a […] powerful didactical tool for teachers. It lets you view and control other computers in your network in several ways. It supports Linux and Windows 2000/XP (Vista support will come) and it even can be used transparently in mixed environments! Control / view / manage manyContinue reading “iTalc”
Category Archives: News
Convert Your Workstation To Windows Server 2008
For those of you unhappy with Windows Vista, but unable to purchase Windows XP anymore, here's another option — assuming you don't want to (or can't) buy a Mac or switch to Linux, obviously. The only downside to this, of course, is the price. The cheapest I could find WS2008 OEM was for $628. ThatContinue reading “Convert Your Workstation To Windows Server 2008”
iWork ’08 School Site License
I noticed today that Apple is offering K-12 schools a site license for up to 500 users for only $249. This is great if you have Macs on your campus.