PSA: Windows 7 and Office 2010 reach end of support in October 2020

What does this mean for you? If you have no longer have Windows 7 machines, or machines with Office 2010 you may ignore this message. However, if you have even one Windows 7 computer, or virtual machine, in use you need to understand what Microsoft means by this. Periodically, Microsoft discontinues older software. To searchContinue reading “PSA: Windows 7 and Office 2010 reach end of support in October 2020”

PSA: Microsoft is giving away Windows 10!

UPDATE 3: 2016 May 3rd: You now have less than 3 months to receive your free copy of Windows 10. If you don’t get to take advantage of this offer, the normal price of Windows OS is anywhere from $129 – $299, depending on version. Contact us now to develop a plan to migrate your eligibleContinue reading “PSA: Microsoft is giving away Windows 10!”

PSA: Windows Server 2003 End Of Support

What does this mean for you? If you have no Windows Server 2003 machines, you may ignore this message. However, if you have even one Windows Server 2003, or virtual machine in use, you need to understand what Microsoft means by this. Periodically, Microsoft discontinues older software. To examine the Microsoft Lifecycle, see this page:Continue reading “PSA: Windows Server 2003 End Of Support”