Stopping And Restarting Exchange Server 5.5

When stopping and starting Exchange server 5.5, you want to stop the services in the following order:

IMS (Internet Mail Service)
MTA (Mail Transfer Agent)
IS (Information Store)
DS (Directory Service)
SA (System Attendant)

To restart all the services needed, simply restart the IMS.

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Open Letter To Customers

To All Customers Of SofTouch Systems:

As of March 23rd, 2009, I, Derek Moyes, will be taking full time employment here in San Antonio. I have been offered a position with a firm that is working on cutting edge internet technology. It is a wonderful opportunity that I cannot pass up.

I plan to continue pursuing SofTouch business on a part-time basis, and plan to serve my existing customer base to the best of my ability.

As necessitated by this change, all future visits will be by appointment only. During the business week, I may only be available to work evenings. I plan to work weekends as needed.

As all of my customers are very important to me, if my schedule change is inappropriate for your business, I am truly sorry and will try to assist where I can. If you feel the need to transition to a different technical support representative, I will assist the new person or firm to the best of my ability.

I have enjoyed my working relationship with everyone I have had the pleasure to work with, and hope to continue that relationship if possible.

If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to call me. Thank you.