Web Page Redirection

Over the past couple of weeks I've been asked several times how to create a web page redirect. I don't know if you know this, but the old "META-REFRESH" has been deprecated, and is not search engine friendly.

Today I located a web page that will help you create search engine friendly redirects, for most any web technology that you are using.

Steven Hargrove: How To Redirect A Web Page, The Smart Way

Also, I found a page that will test your redirect for search engine "friendly-ness".

Search Engine Friendly Redirect Checker

I hope these tools help you, I know I will use them in the future.

Microsoft Eases Up On Virtualization, Finally

Today Microsoft announced that it was changing it's licensing terms for 41 of it's server applications, so that customers can receive technical support when deploying those apps on Microsoft's Hyper-V virtualization platform, or any validated third-party virtualization platform.

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