PSA: Microsoft is giving away Windows 10!

UPDATE 3: 2016 May 3rd: You now have less than 3 months to receive your free copy of Windows 10. If you don’t get to take advantage of this offer, the normal price of Windows OS is anywhere from $129 – $299, depending on version. Contact us now to develop a plan to migrate your eligibleContinue reading “PSA: Microsoft is giving away Windows 10!”

Expired Exchange 2007 Certificate

I recently had this happen… “If your Exchange 2007 is nearing its first birthday, there is a good chance you will soon come across some event log warnings concerning the expiry of an internal transport certificate. If you ignore these, users will start chasing you! Outlook 2007 is now popping an expired certificate warning dialog.”Continue reading “Expired Exchange 2007 Certificate”

CoRD: Remote Desktop For The Mac

Another option for using a Mac to access Windows servers using RDP is CoRD. CoRD reminds me of VisionApp, or MRemote, both excellent apps for Windows. While CoRD only does RDP, not VNC, SSH, etc. it works much better than Microsoft's free Remote Desktop App. One of the major problems with Microsoft's RDP is thatContinue reading “CoRD: Remote Desktop For The Mac”