ChatGPT-4 Release: AI Innovation and the Effects on SMB’s

AI is changing the world and at a new pace we’ve not seen before. Things written today will be out of date by publishing at the rate AI has changed different SMBs.

Motorola’s Defy 2 to have Satellite Coms

Get Ready for Bullitt’s iPhone Rivaling Android Satellite Smartphone Launching in March Bullitt, the rugged smartphone maker, has recently revealed its new handset, the Motorola Defy 2, at the Mobile World Congress 2023, which is set to be the first non-iPhone option available for US and European consumers to use satellite communication. With satellite communicationContinue reading “Motorola’s Defy 2 to have Satellite Coms”

Top 25 Keyboard Shortcuts

Keyboards Shortcuts are real time savers Learning and using keyboard shortcuts are vital to becoming more efficient with your time on the computer. Some of the tasks we have during the day are so basic that the Operating Systems (OS) includes “shortcuts.” These shortcuts are keyboard combinations that are already programmed into your computer. UsingContinue reading “Top 25 Keyboard Shortcuts”